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School Day

8:45am – 3:15pm 

  • 8:30am - Gates open and children line up in their classes
  • 8:45am - The bell rings and children walk into class
  • 8:45am - REGISTRATION (official start time)
  • 8:50am - Gates close
  • 8:55am - Morning Lessons
  • 10:40am - Break Time KS1 and KS2
  • 11:00am - Morning Lessons
  • 11:45am - EYFS Lunchtime
  • 12:00pm - KS1 and KS2 Lunchtime
  • 1:00pm - Afternoon Lessons
  • 3:15pm - HOME TIME for the whole school (official end time)
  • 3:30pm - Gates locked
  • 4:15pm - Optional after-school club(s) end

The school office is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, during term time

Pupils should be in school for a total of 32.5 hours per week

Collective Worship and Assembly Times

  • Daily - Class Worship
  • Wednesday - Assembly led by Reverend Carter or Reverend Brewster
  • Friday - Achievement Assembly

Assemblies and Daily Acts of Worship

Children and staff attend up to three assemblies a week. We encourage children to think about their feelings and to take an interest in the school and its community. An emphasis is placed on our core Christian Values.

There are opportunities for singing hymns (some traditional, some modern) and prayer, including those from The Prayer Tree. The Vicar, Duncan Carter, and Reverend Sam Brewster, frequently lead our acts of worship in our hall and local church. We welcome representatives from other faiths, organisations and charities to talk to the children about their beliefs and work and we also share festivals during the year, e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year and Black History Month.