Latest news
- Read MorePublished 10/02/25Ten girls from Year Five took part in a football tournament at The Oratory on Wednesday 5th February, and they were incredible! First match against Whitchurch, 4-0 Next match against Chandlings, 3-0 Third match against St Anne’s, 3-0
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School mural winner is .....
Published 24/01/25Congratulations to Teddy W in Zephaniah class for winning the school mural competition. Teddy's design was one of three shortlisted and the whole school voted for their favourite. The design of the mural had to reflect our school vision, who is my neighbour, and we all believe Teddy's design really represented this beautifully.
To see the other shortlisted designs, please visit the Gallery section of the website:
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Thames Valley Police Talk
Published 17/01/25Thank you to PC Michael Dix from Thames Valley Police who came to talk to Years 5 and 6 about the law and how the police deal with reports of bullying, misuse of social media and anti-social behaviour. PC Dix also visited our Early Years children to talk to them as part of their Learning Means The World topic 'People who help us'.
PC Dix emailed Mrs Whittle after the visit to say ''What a great visit that was, I really enjoyed my time at your school. The pupils were fantastic, so well behaved and fully engaged with the talk. As you know I also visited Yr 1 and even the reception class which was something I’ve never done before but I think was a really important opportunity.''
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Santa comes to school
Published 20/12/24We were delighted to welcome Santa into school this week, to visit our classes and hand out a small gift to each of the children. Luckily everyone was on the Good List, including Mrs Whittle!
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1,2,3 Sing! represent Trinity at Community Carols Service
Published 16/12/24On Sunday, 15th December, members of Trinity's Year 1, 2 and 3 choir, took part in a wonderful Community Carols Service at Holy Trinity Church. Many community groups were there, including scouts, charity groups and other schools. The children sang one of their Christmas songs - Nativity - really confidently to a large and appreciative congregation and joined with the other children to sing Silent Night and lots of other rousing Christmas Carols, accompanied by musicians from Henley Symphony Orchestra. It was a lovely event and we were proud of how well the children represented our school.
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Please sponsor our swimmers
Published 16/12/24We have three teams from Years 2-6 participating in the Swimarathon at Braywick Leisure Pool on Sunday 12th January 2025 and they are ready to go! The teams are Terrific Turtles, Smiley Sharks and Wonderful Whales. If you would like to sponsor the children, and help us raise money for Trinity Primary School, please click here for our just giving page
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FOTS Christmas Fair
Published 09/12/24The FOTS Christmas Fair is one of the highlights of the school year for our pupil, so we would like to extend our thanks to
- everyone who gave up their time to come into school to man the stalls
- the Reception parents / carers who pulled it all together and loaded things in and out of the container
- the class reps for co-ordinating the rotas
- everyone who donated something to be sold
- our amazing FOTS Committee, headed up by Gemma Grange
- to all the Year 6 pupils who buddied up with children in Reception to take them round the fair
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Trinity pupil is winner of Mayor's Christmas card competition
Published 06/12/24One of our Year 3 pupils was the winner of the Mayor of Henley's Christmas card competition. In recognition, she joined Mary Berry and the Mayor of Henley to turn on the Christmas lights in the town square. Well done to everyone who entered and congratulations to our winner.
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Santa on the Run - Family friendly fun run
Published 02/12/24On Saturday 8th December, Trinity families are invited to take part in Santa on the Run, a family friendly 1km or 4km fun run, with prizes for 1st, 2nd and best dressed. Start and finish at Leander Club. 10am Start time. Enter now at www.santaontherun.co.uk
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Year 4 pupil is Headteacher for the day
Published 22/11/24One of the auction prizes at the FOTS Summer Ball was for your child to be the Headteacher for the day. One of our Year 4 pupils spent today assisting Mrs Whittle, including giving out the awards in our Achievement Assembly. She requested that each teacher plays their favourite song to their class and she was on hand to help with Headteacher's hot chocolate, which rewards the Stars of the Week. She did everything with such a lovely manner and all the staff think she has the makings of a great Headteacher.
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Pawfect trip to Asquiths for KS1
Published 18/11/24Huge thanks to Asquiths Bearpawium on Hart Street for allowing Year 1 and 2 pupils to visit their enchanting shop and learn about the history of the Teddy Bear and the remarkable legacy of Steiff Teddy Bears. This links to KS1's current topic of learning about toys from the past. Owner Rachel commented ''It’s wonderful to see the children so engaged and enthusiastic about the history of toys, especially the Teddy Bear. The stories behind these Teddy Bears not only teach us about craftsmanship and innovation, but also about love and resilience over the years."
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Forensic science workshop for Year 5
Published 18/11/24A group of year 5 pupils attended a forensic science workshop at Pangbourne College. Using various forensic investigation techniques, the children worked with pupils from Yattendon Primary School to solve clues and find out who had stolen the headmaster's goldfish.