Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Trinity CE Primary School is an inclusive school that enables all pupils, including those with additional special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), to reach their full potential.
Our practices and procedures are embedded into school life to ensure pupils’ special educational needs are identified swiftly. We consider each of the pupils when planning and provide a curriculum which is accessible to all. We acknowledge that some pupils require additional support to ensure access to a full curriculum and, where appropriate, a range of support strategies are implemented.
If additional specialist advice and support is necessary, we seek external agency support from professionals such as speech and language therapists, educational psychologists or occupational therapists. We are committed to effective collaboration between all agencies working with a child and use a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting pupils’ special educational needs.
If you wish to talk to us about your child’s needs or the provision in place, please speak to their class teacher or, if you have any further concerns, please contact our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO) Clara Hart on 01491 575 887 or chart@trinityprimaryschool.org
Meet our SENCO - Clara Hart
I joined Trinity in September 2020 as a Year 4 teacher and have enjoyed every minute of my time here. I am now teaching in Year 6 and I love seeing some of the oldest members of our school thrive. Working with such kind, caring and enthusiastic learners is thoroughly enjoyable.
In addition, I am the special educational needs and disabilities coordinator (SENDCO). It is such a pleasure to work with and support some of the children and families across the school to ensure all of our children receive the best possible support and learning experiences. I love to see children tackling new challenges and succeeding in all areas of their learning.
I feel very privileged to work in such a lovely, happy school. I thoroughly enjoy teaching Music; the joy of hearing children sing and the smiles on their faces when doing so never fails to bring a smile to my face. I run the KS2 choir and also the school’s Mayor of Henley Award, both of which I am truly passionate about.
Outside school I like to spend time with friends and go to the theatre. I am a keen musician so you may find me playing my trumpet in a concert every now and then or singing (loudly) in the car as I leave school.
Information Report
For further information, such as how we identify special educational needs, emotional support offered, accessibility etc, please read our information report. The report has details of the support available and the processes relating to this
Please find our SEND Information Report here.
What is offered by Oxfordshire County Council?
For further information about the special educational needs services offered locally, please visit here.
Further reading and policies relating to SEND
- SEN Policy
- SEND Code of Practice
- SEND Information report
- Local Newspaper Article About SEN Provision at Trinity