All applications to Trinity CE Primary School are dealt with by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). Trinity intends to admit 45 pupils per age group (PAN). You can apply for a place for your child at our school by using the application form on the OCC website:
Open Morning
Our next school Open Morning for prospective families will take place on Tuesday 15th October, 9:30am - 11:00am. There will be the opportunity to tour the school and meet our Headteacher. Please register your interest in attending by emailing office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk.
Tour of the school
If you are unable to attend our Open Monring then we are always happy to give prospective parents and carers a tour of the school. Please contact Mrs Morgan to book a visit on 01491 575 887 or office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk
How to apply for a place in Reception
If you are looking for a place in Reception from September 2025, applications should be made by the deadline in January 2025. Detailed information and key dates will be made available during October 2024 by OCC or by clicking this link www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
Late applications made after January 2025 may only be successful if places are available after the on-time offers have been made.
You will be asked to express a preference for up to three schools. If it is not possible to allocate your child a place at their first choice of school, then OCC will allocate an alternative school. Typically, we have more applications than spaces available, but OCC allocates places in a fair and consistent way.
How to apply to change schools
If your child is already attending a school outside of the Borough and you wish to transfer them to Trinity CE Primary, then you will need to apply for an in-year transfer via: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/schooltransfer
Admission rules
Admissions rules are available online at https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/schools/apply-school-place/school-admission-rules-and-policies/admission-rules
Helpful Information
Below you will find two documents that we give to parents / carers when a new pupil starts with us: