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On behalf of the Governing Body, welcome to Trinity CE Primary School.

The governing body is made up of representatives from the school staff, the parent community, the church community, the local community and the local authority. We have a wide range of backgrounds and skill sets that we bring to the role. We are passionate about supporting the school and ensuring that our children get the best possible education.

As a governing body, our role is to provide strategic leadership and accountability within the school. We are responsible for the financial performance of the school, holding the headteacher to account for educational performance and providing a clear vision and strategic direction for the school.

As well as meeting as a full governing body, we also have a number of subcommittees that focus on specific aspects of the school: performance and communication, finance, HR and premises.

Duncan Carter

Duncan Carter
Chair of Governors

To learn more or to get in touch, please email Duncan on

Trinity Governing Body Members

Duncan Carter, Chair

I first became a governor in November 1990 when elected to serve for what was initially a four-year term of office. This was right at the start of what was known as ‘local management of schools’, and we were only just starting to discover what governance and financial responsibility were all about. As I write I have now completed nearly 32 years as a governor.

Why do I do it? Mostly because of my love of children, and, because I am a huge fan of life-long learning. If we can inspire children at a young age we can inspire them for life.

In due course my own four youngsters thoroughly enjoyed attending the school, but my involvement did not stop with them. I continue to love being able to contribute. Clearly as a church school there are links with my work as Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, but to me the opportunity to support the school as a governor goes beyond that. It is simply a joy to be involved.

Iliffe Kenyon, Vice Chair

I first became a Governor in 1992 shortly after my son joined Trinity Primary School. All three of my children attended Trinity and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of their time there.

I have worked as a teacher of mathematics in local comprehensives, grammar schools, Henley College and independent schools. Most recently working as the Pastoral Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Godstowe Preparatory School in High Wycombe.

Currently, I am studying Nutrition & Health Coaching and Nutritional Therapy at IINH.  In my free time I enjoy walking my dog and reading.

Anne Griffith, Foundation Governor

I have been a teacher since qualifying in 1980. I have worked in a number of different schools during my career, teaching children throughout the Primary age range, and children with additional needs in the Secondary sector, holding a variety of different positions.

Since moving to Henley in 2005, I have worked at Trinity, teaching in different Phases throughout the school, and working in different roles before retiring in July 2021. Trinity is a great school with amazing children and an equally amazing staff.

I joined the Governing Body at the beginning of 2021; now, in my Governor role, I hope to be able to support the school into the future.

Charlotte Miles-Kingston, Foundation Governor

I have been an active member of the Congregation of Holy Trinity Church since moving to Henley over 15 years ago and felt immensely privileged to be asked to become a Foundation Governor of Trinity Primary School in 2021.  Previously, I have also been a Governor of another primary school in the local area and I am a Trustee for a local Henley Charity.

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant, though decided in March 2021 to make a change as I wanted to be able to work with and support young people through challenging times.  Since then I have been working as a Learning Support Assistant at a local College. I am also studying towards an MSc in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents. I am passionate about working with children and helping them to achieve and develop. I would like to ensure that every child is able to reach their potential and has the experiences and opportunities which they all so richly deserve.  I have two teenage children and in my ‘spare time’ I love reading and enjoy a trip to the theatre.

Paul Haines, Co-opted Governor 

We moved to Henley in 1989 with our three young children, who all spent a wonderful time at Trinity. We were 11 years in total as Trinity parents.  As well as providing our children with an excellent educational start in life, they all made so many special friends whilst at the school with whom they are all still very close. At my 34 year old son's recent wedding this summer, his best man and 5 of his 7 groomsmen were friends from Trinity!

I have been a governor since 2006, and as a retired Structural Engineer I have found my natural role for the last 12 years as chair of the Premises Committee, looking after repairs and improvements to the buildings and grounds.  Working with the school management on many exciting projects, and with the very generous support of FOTS it has been a very rewarding role for me.  I feel I’ve been able to give something back to the school for the wonderful start in life provided to our children.

Debbie Pattinson, Parent Governor

I moved to Henley just in time for the arrival of our second daughter eight years ago.  We were looking for a thriving community, a great school for our girls, and the open space to breathe after being cooped up in central London, and Henley has returned that in spades.

In London I worked for many years in TV, then in sales and marketing and finally as an executive for a global children’s channel that focused on development and learning. I’m now fortunate to be able to use the skills I developed working for a local small business focused on the arts.

I was Co-Chair of the Trinity Preschool committee for four years, and now the girls are both at Trinity I am honored to be working as a governor to help our school continue its vital role.

Steven O’Connor, Parent Governor

I have lived in Henley since 2017 and have two boys at the school, one in year three and the other in reception. For my day job I run a charity in London, which I started in 2014, that focuses on helping people improve their lives through the sport of rowing. We have a focus on working with local state secondary schools and have over 1,000 children a year come through our doors and out onto the Thames. Before working in the charity sector, I was involved in sports development for a local authority and corporate marketing.

I’ve been lucky enough to witness first hand the transformative effect that a full and well-rounded educational experience an have on young people, and it is truly a pleasure to become a Governor at Trinity and help ensure that we can do the same for our children. I have specific interests and experience in fundraising, marketing and safeguarding and so I hope these will be of use to the Board of Governors.

Alex Clarke, Parent Governor

I am father to two boys at Trinity in Year 6 and Year 2. I have worked in the service industry for over 20 years and currently am an Operations Manager for a Guest Services company providing high-end Reception and Concierge services across the UK and Ireland. I create high-performing teams in challenging environments and have always managed people and relationships from entry level through to C-level and Board.

I sit on the Patient Advisory Board of a national charity for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, assisting in advising the Board on how best to invest money raised for the Charity as well as on the World Duchenne Organisation, Community Advisory Board. I also run a Community Charity for my eldest son, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and attends the school.

I have knowledge of the SEND process for schools, having worked closely with the school SENDCO to implement an EHCP with a full-time, Council funded 1-1 TA for my eldest son.

I work closely with the Community Support Services to ensure accessibility and care is provided for all those children at Trinity who may require it. Ensuring the Local Authority provide for the needs of the children at Trinity.

Nick Strange, Parent Governor

I have a daughter who has been at Trinity for 3 years and is now in Year 3. I am a retired Olympic rowing coach and current chartered accountant.

I competed at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 as a rower whilst I work in the insurance industry in London, after which I moved to Henley where I qualified as a chartered accountant. The following year I took up rowing coaching, from which I went onto coach at the 2004 Athens Olympics and 2012 London Olympics, the latter was certainly one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life.

Throughout my coaching career I continued with Accountancy and have run my own business since 2000. I still have a small client base, although my main passion is coaching rowing which I now do part time at Abingdon School. This is where I became more aware of how influential the many environments a child experiences at a school can be in order to deal with what the world has install for them and can set them off on a good course and influence their choices throughout their lives.

In my spare time I try to kitesurf and surf.  My daughter is a better surfer than I am and kitesurfing appears to be a labour of love.

Charlotte Whittle, Headteacher

Caroline Newman, Deputy Headteacher

Katie Pearson, Clerk to the Governors

Katie Pearson has been appointed as Clerk to the Governors, from January 2024. If you have any complaints relating to the Governors, please contact Katie on