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Pupil assessment

Our full Assessment Policy, which provides details about how we assess your children is here.  

Assessment Policy

Assessment at Trinity

At Trinity CE Primary School we assess pupils against year group expectations, which cover the objectives from the 2014 Primary Curriculum. The child’s success against each objective is measured. This information is then used to create a ‘data snap-shot’ of how the child is doing against all their year group objectives. This takes place three times a year, towards the end of each term.

These objectives are also discussed during the parents’ consultations themselves.  Half way through the year an interim report is provided. At the end of the year, a full written report provides parents with information about  their child's attainment and progress.

Assessment in Early Years Foundation Stage tends to differ from Key Stage 1 onward in several ways.  Summative assessment usually reflects the age and stage a pupil is working within, as opposed to that which has been attained. Assessment in Foundation Stage is on-going but four times a year teachers will record children’s achievements against key performance indicators that we have identified as a school from the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.

Statutory National Assessment

EYFS profile - At the end of the year we will assess the Foundation Stage children against the EYFS Profile Early Learning Goals, stating whether they are EMERGING, EXPECTING or EXCEEDING.)

Year 1 (and 2) - Phonics Screening Check - The phonics screening check demonstrates how well your child can use phonics skills they have learned up to the end of Year 1. The results help to identify children who need extra phonics help in Year 2 and 3.

Year 2 - End of Key Stage Assessments

  • Reading - The reading test is comprised of two components; one integrated reading and answer booklet and one separate reading booklet with an associated reading answer booklet.
  • Maths - Children will sit: Paper 1 Arithmetic, context free calculations; Paper 2 Solving problems and reasoning.
  • Writing. This assessment reflects their achievements across the year.

Year 6 - End of Key Stage Assessments

  • Reading - The reading test is a single paper with emphasis on comprehension.
  • Grammar Punctuation and Spelling This will be in two parts: grammar and punctuation and an aural spelling test.
  • Writing - Teacher Assessment only.
  • Maths - There will be 3 papers in Maths: Paper 1 Arithmetic (number, calculations, fractions, decimals, percentages); Paper 2 and 3: Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning.