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Local Information

Useful websites

We would like to draw your attention to two websites where you can find details about what's going on in Henley and the surrounding areas.

Local information

Adventure playground at Mill Meadows - accessibility and inclusivity were a priority when re-designing the playground. Extra strapping for the swings for children with disabilities is stored at the Adventure Golf kiosk, as it can't be left out as it's a choking hazard.

Local churches

Please find below details of churches in the local area:

Holy Trinity C of E Church, Greys Hill, Henley RG9 1SE and

Reverend Duncan Carter and Reverend Sam Brewster

Tel: 01491 574822 (Duncan) or 07899 843461 (Sam)

St Mary’s Church, Hart Street, Henley RG9 2AU

Father Jeremy Tayler

Tel: 01491 577340


Christ Church Centre, 46 Reading Rd, Henley RG9 1AG

Minister Glyn Millington

Tel: 01491 577 733

Email: or

Henley Baptist Church at d:two, 55-57 Market Place, Henley RG9 2AA

Tel: 01491 577 414


Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 31 Vicarage Road, Henley RG9 1HT

Father Paul Fitzpatrick

Tel: 01491 573 258 or


As a School we are partnered with Holy Trinity Church, which is a short 1 minute walk from our School. As such, we would like to draw your attention to two after-school clubs run by Holy Trinity Church that are open to all Henley families:

Holy Trinity Church After School Clubs

Monday: Reception, Year 1 and their parents, 3:20 - 4:45pm, Term Time

Free play, crafts, songs, snacks and a short bible story. A place for children to play and parents to rest and enjoy a piece of cake. Contact

Thursday: Years 2 - 5, 5:00 - 6:00pm, Term Time

A chance to play games, have snacks, do crafts, look at the Bible and make friends. Contact