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PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) within Trinity CE Primary School aims to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become active and informed citizens. PSHE is an important subject that helps us to ensure that every child is able to flourish and serve their community. We aim to help children to understand how they are developing personally and socially and to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

Through PSHE teaching, children become more able to know how and when to ask for help and to know where to access support. We aim to provide children with an understanding of how their bodies change, including the key changes in boys and girls throughout puberty. We offer the opportunity for inclusive discussions surrounding healthy relationships and what they might look like and how to recognise them within friendships and families.

All pupils are taught about the importance of participation in their own communities, helping them to develop skills and aptitudes such as teamwork, communication and resilience. We aim to help foster pupil wellbeing and develop character and personal attributes that we believe are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive. Through our teaching of PSHE and RSE we introduce pupils to some of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. 


The majority of the lessons will be delivered through the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, with statutory aspects taught via the science curriculum. This will ensure that it covers the statutory biological aspects, but also the social and emotional aspects. It is taught throughout the years, either as discrete topics / units or integrated into other topics, at a level appropriate to the needs and maturity of the pupils. The delivery of the sex and relationships curriculum for the children will always be adjustable and flexible so that it is culturally appropriate and inclusive for all pupils.

At Trinity CE Primary School we use the 3D PSHE scheme from Dimensions Curriculum, which is 2020 compliant. The scheme is split into themes, weekly sessions and projects.

Each class records discussions in a PSHE learning journal with any recorded work in the back of their LMTW book. 

EYFS (Reception)

In EYFS pupils are taught about:

  • Family relationships and family dynamics
  • Changes that have occurred in them since birth
  • Recognising and understanding their own emotions and other people

 These areas are found within the PSED, People and Communities and the world strands of the EYFS curriculum.

Key Stage 1

Pupils in KS1 are taught:

  • About changes to their bodies
  • Biological names for various body parts
  • To match the correct body parts to a male and female
  • The function of clothing and keeping certain parts of our bodies private
  • About the process of ageing
Key stage 2

Pupils in KS2 are taught:

  • About reproduction
  • About the word ‘puberty’
  • About the importance of hygiene
  • About stereotypical ideas regarding parenting and family roles
  • About the importance of relationships
  • How girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty
  • Strategies for the development of positive self-image and self-esteem
  • That babies are made during sexual intercourse
  • About the changes which relate to puberty such as menstruation and voice breaking

The curriculum allows for open learning activities, which suit the ethos of PSHE. Learning activities allow opportunities for discussion and debate and develop children’s skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes. 

PSHE is taught both discretely and through thematic units. The Satellite View maps out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly shows the objectives taught. Separate lessons are also planned in across each phase. 

Through a variety of teaching strategies including; stories, role play, songs, games and research our children learn all about keeping themselves healthy and safe as well as feelings and emotions, kindness and friendship, similarities and differences, sharing and turn taking as well as e-safety and anti-bullying.

Through rigorous monitoring of the subject, the leader is confident that teaching within the subject is strong and promotes the acquisition of key knowledge and development of key skills, building on prior learning through observations, work scrutiny and pupil discussions


As a result of our PSHE and RSE teaching at Trinity CE Primary School you will see: 

  • Engaged children who feel supported and part of their community
  • Confident children who are given the opportunity to develop teamwork and communication skills
  • Knowledge and skills that are developed and embedded as the children move up through the school
  • By the time the children leave in year 6, they will be equipped with decision making skills in regard to their well-being, health, relationships and economic understanding
  • The subject lead continuously evaluates the subject to define next steps for improvement

Subject lead: Catherine Aiken